Multi-GPU Technology such as Nvidia SLI Technology or AMD Crossfire is currently not supported by spacedesk. In case SLI is enabled, spacedesk will not work properly.
Virtual machines are officially not supported by spacedesk driver for Windows 8.1 Primary Machine. It may work on some cases but some problems may occur such as strange mouse pointer behavior, black screen on client, etc.
Nvidia Control Panel crash may also observed while spacedesk is active on Windows 8.1 Primary Machine.
qWave (Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience) Windows Feature unavailablemessage box during installation may observed on Windows Server 2008/2012 primary machine. To install this feature, Open Server Manager -> Add Roles and Features, just click Next until you are on the Features, then check if the box for Quality Windows Audio Video Experience (qWave) features is checked, and if not please check it and install.Then restart your server machine (if required).