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Spacedesk is freezing wireless Logitech mouse.

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Hello, I have a Logitech Lift wireless mouse. When I turned on Spacedesk the mouse began to freeze periodically. When I turn it off, the mouse will move as normal. The freeze becomes more apparent when I move the mouse into the spacedesk screen on an Android tablet. Please help.

Hi @steph,

Is the “USB Cable Android” option turned on when you encounter the issue? If so, can you try again while it is off?

I’ve tried both USB Cable Android and Local Area Network. The freeze is there in both cases. It only disappears if I turn the whole thing off.

Hi @steph,

You only encounter the mouse freeze when you connect a viewer to the PC or even when there’s no connected device?

it seems like when there’s no display connected, the freezing stops.

Can you try connecting then setting your viewer to mirror your main display then see if the mouse is moving correctly?

I duplicated my main monitor with the Android display. The mouse freeze is more apparent on those two than on my other two monitors. The other two will still have freezes but are less apparent.

Hi @steph,

We cannot reproduce the issue on our end. If possible, could you take a video of the mouse movement before the spacedesk connection and after?

Here’s an unlisted video

Hi @steph,

What model is the android tablet that you’re using? Also, have you tried using other Android devices to connect to see if the issue also occurs there? What FPS is set in your settings, 30 or 60? Is the mouse freeze also reproducible in the main monitor while spacedesk is connected? Another request, can you check if you try to move a window in the viewer screen if it also freezes while moving? And if you have a wired mouse, can you try to reproduce the issue with that too?

Thank you.

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