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[SOLVED] Résolution issue/not full screen anymore

Hi everyone !

I got an issue since my last windows 11 update yesterday: space desk is not in full screen anymore on my tab S4. I use the native resolution of the S4(2560×1600) and now I got an image wich not fit the entire screen. Also, I lost all my desktop icones settings( like the way I organise desktop icones with space desk on the tablet.)

Do you have any solution ? I’ve try all résolutions in space desk parameters, I’ve still an image which don’t fit all the screen


Thanks and merry Christmas!

Hi @adrum,

Are you mirroring your main display or extending to create another screen? Can you show a picture of the issue? Thank you.

I am having the same issue. Whenever I am connected to my tablet as a second monitor, my main monitor’s display is squeezed and does not reach the left and right edges of the screen.

Hi @boaz,

Same question for Adrum, are you mirroring your main display to the spacedesk viewer or are you extending?

I was extending my display, but I figured out how to fix it. At least for me the solution was to go to NVIDIA’s settings and choose fullscreen there. Not sure why that setting would’ve changed but it worked!

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